Setup / Reset DB
Brute Force
Command Injection
File Inclusion
File Upload
Insecure CAPTCHA
SQL Injection
SQL Injection (Blind)
Weak Session IDs
XSS (Reflected)
XSS (Stored)
CSP Bypass
Open HTTP Redirect
DVWA Security
PHP Info
Read Me
PDF Guide
Change Log
v1.10 (*Not Yet Released)
Improved IIS support. (@g0tmi1k)
Improved setup system check. (@g0tmi1k)
v1.9 (2015-10-05)
Added a dedicated objective (or "flag") for file include. (@g0tmi1k)
Added a warning to any module that requires a certain configuration. (@g0tmi1k)
Added comments to all source code that would be visible via DVWA modules. (@g0tmi1k)
Added CSRF token to pre-auth forms (login/setup/security pages). (@g0tmi1k + @Shinkurt)
Added HttpOnly cookie flag on impossible levels. (@g0tmi1k)
Added more detail to the documentation. (@g0tmi1k)
Added PDO to all impossible levels requiring MySQL. (@g0tmi1k)
Added PHPIDS options into the config file. (@g0tmi1k)
Added system check to setup. (@g0tmi1k)
Added various information to all help pages for every module. (@g0tmi1k)
Changed brute force medium to be harder due to sleep. (@g0tmi1k)
Changed file include landing page + added 3x example pages. (@g0tmi1k)
Changed file include medium to be harder due to more filters. (@g0tmi1k)
Changed HTTP REFERER check for medium level CSRF. (@g0tmi1k)
Changed input box for medium level with SQLi + SQLi Blind. (@g0tmi1k)
Changed SQLi + SQLi Blind to be $_POST rather than $_GET. (@g0tmi1k)
Changed SQLi Blind to be a real example of the vulnerability. (@g0tmi1k)
Fixed brute force and file upload impossible levels, as they were vulnerable. (@g0tmi1k + @Shinkurt)
Fixed bug with file fnclude page not loading. (@g0tmi1k)
Fixed CAPTCHA bug to read URL parameters on impossible. (@g0tmi1k)
Fixed CAPTCHA bug where the form wouldn't be visible. (@g0tmi1k)
Fixed CAPTCHA bug where the URL parameters were not being used for low + medium. (@g0tmi1k)
Fixed CSRF medium level bug when not on localhost. (@g0tmi1k)
Fixed setup bug with custom URL path. (@g0tmi1k)
Removed PostgreSQL DB support. (@g0tmi1k)
Renamed 'Command Execution' to 'Command Injection'. (@g0tmi1k)
Renamed 'high' level to 'impossible' and created new vectors for 'high'. (@g0tmi1k)
Updated README and documentation. (@g0tmi1k)
Various code cleanups in the core PHP files + CSS. (@g0tmi1k)
Various setup improvements (e.g. redirection + limited menu links). (@g0tmi1k)
v1.8 (2013-05-01)
Versioning change: Version numbers now follow Major.Minor (e.g. v1.8) removing the middle digit.
Moved default security level setting to the config file.
Fixed a bug which prevented setup when a database name other than 'dvwa' was used.
Added a logic challenge involving an insecure CAPTCHA (requires external internet access)
v1.0.7 (2010-09-08)
Re-designed the login page + made some other slight cosmetic changes. 06/06/2010 (@ethicalhack3r)
Started PostgreSQL implementation. 15/03/2010 (@ethicalhack3r)
A few small cosmetic changes. 15/03/2010 (@ethicalhack3r)
Improved the help information and look. 15/03/2010 (@ethicalhack3r)
Fixed a few bugs thanks to @Digininja. 15/03/2010 (@ethicalhack3r)
Show logged in username. 05/02/2010 (Jason Jones)
Added new info on RandomStorm. 04/02/2010 (@ethicalhack3r)
Added 'SQL Injection (Blind)'. 04/02/2010 (@ethicalhack3r)
Added official documentation. 21/11/2009 (@ethicalhack3r)
Implemented view all source functionality. 16/10/2009 (tmacuk, craig, @ethicalhack3r)
v1.0.6 (2009-10-05)
Fixed a bug where the logo would not show on first time use. 03/09/2009 (@ethicalhack3r)
Removed 'current password' input box for low+med CSRF security. 03/09/2009 (@ethicalhack3r)
Added an article which was written for OWASP Turkey. 03/10/2009 (@ethicalhack3r)
Added more toubleshooting information. 02/10/2009 (@ethicalhack3r)
Stored XSS high now sanitises output. 02/10/2009 (@ethicalhack3r)
Fixed a 'bug' in XSS stored low which made it not vulnerable. 02/10/2009 (@ethicalhack3r)
Rewritten command execution high to use a whitelist. 30/09/09 (@ethicalhack3r)
Fixed a command execution vulnerability in exec high. 17/09/09 (@ethicalhack3r)
Added some troubleshooting info for PHP 5.2.6 in readme.txt. 17/09/09 (@ethicalhack3r)
Added the upload directory to the upload help. 17/09/09 (@ethicalhack3r)
v1.0.5 (2009-09-03)
Made IE friendly as much as possible. 30/08/2009 (@ethicalhack3r)
Removed the acunetix scan report. 30/08/2009 (@ethicalhack3r)
Added 'Clear Log' button to PHPIDS parser. 27/08/2009 (@ethicalhack3r)
Implemented PHPIDS log parser. 27/08/2009 (@ethicalhack3r)
Implemented Stored XSS vulnerability. 27/08/2009 (@ethicalhack3r)
Added htaccess rule for localhost access only. 22/08/2009 (@ethicalhack3r)
Added CSRF. 01/08/2009 (@ethicalhack3r)
Implemented sessions/login. 01/08/2009 (@ethicalhack3r)
Complete recode. (jamesr)
Complete redesign. (jamesr)
Delimited 'dvwa' in session- minimising the risk of clash with other projects running on localhost. 01/08/2009 (jamesr)
Integrated PHPIDS v0.6. 01/08/2009 (jamesr)
Streamlined login functionality. 01/08/2009 (jamesr)
v1.0.4 (2009-06-29)
Added acunetix scan report. 24/06/2009
All links use
to hide referrer header. 23/06/2009
Updated/added 'more info' links. 23/06/2009
Moved change log info to CHANGELOG.txt. 22/06/2009
Fixed the exec.php UTF-8 output. 16/06/2009
Moved Help/View source buttons to footer. 12/06/2009
Fixed phpInfo bug. 12/06/2009
Made dvwa IE friendly. 11/06/2009
Fixed html bugs. 11/06/2009
Added more info to about page. 03/06/2009
Added pictures for the users. 03/06/2009
Fixed typos on the welcome page. 03/06/2009
Improved README.txt and fixed typos. 03/06/2009
Made SQL injection possible in sqli_med.php. Thanks to Teodor Lupan. 03/06/2009
v1.0.3 (2009-05-25)
Changed XAMPP link in index.php. 25/05/2009
Set default security to low. 25/05/2009
Improved output in setup.php. 25/05/2009
v1.0.2 (2009-05-24)
Removed phpinfo on higher security levels. 24/05/2009
Moved all vulnerable code to /source/. 24/05/2009
Added viewsource. 24/05/2009
v1.0.1 (2009-05-24)
Implemented different security levels. 24/05/2009
Changed XSS from POST to GET. 22/05/2009
Some changes to CSS. 22/05/2009
Version number now in variable in header.php. 21/05/2009
Added about page. 21/05/2009
Updated login script to use database. 21/05/2009
Added admin user to database. 21/05/2009
Combined RFI + LFI to make 'File Inclusion'. 21/05/2009
More realism to Local File Inclusion. 21/05/2009
Better error output on upload script. 21/05/2009
v1.0 (2009-05-20)
Made command execution more realistic. 20/05/2009
Added help buttons. 20/05/2009
Added .htaccess file to turn magic quotes off. 20/05/2009
Improved database creation with setup.php. 19/05/2009
Amended installation instructions in README file. 19/05/2009
Added GNU GPL license. 19/05/2009
Added a robots.txt file with disallow all. 26/01/2009
Removed link to www.ethicalhacker.co.uk in footer. 26/01/2009
Added better error output on magic quotes. 26/01/2009
Created by the DVWA team.
Security Level: