Database Setup

Click on the 'Create / Reset Database' button below to create or reset your database.
If you get an error make sure you have the correct user credentials in: /var/www/html/DVWA/config/

If the database already exists, it will be cleared and the data will be reset.
You can also use this to reset the administrator credentials ("admin // password") at any stage.

Setup Check


Operating system: *nix

PHP version: 8.2.27
PHP function display_errors: Disabled
PHP function display_startup_errors: Disabled
PHP function allow_url_include: Enabled
PHP function allow_url_fopen: Enabled
PHP module gd: Installed
PHP module mysql: Installed
PHP module pdo_mysql: Installed

Backend database: MySQL/MariaDB
Database username: dvwa
Database password: ******
Database database: dvwa
Database host:
Database port: 3306

reCAPTCHA key: Missing

Writable folder /var/www/html/DVWA/hackable/uploads/: Yes
Writable folder /var/www/html/DVWA/config: Yes

Status in red, indicate there will be an issue when trying to complete some modules.

If you see disabled on either allow_url_fopen or allow_url_include, set the following in your php.ini file and restart Apache.
allow_url_fopen = On
allow_url_include = On
These are only required for the file inclusion labs so unless you want to play with those, you can ignore them.

Username: Unknown
Security Level: low
Locale: en
SQLi DB: mysql